Wishful Thinking Performance

Part 1: Becoming Zen 6.30–7pm
Part 2: ASMR Just For You 8–9pm

Part 1: Becoming Zen (6.30–7pm)
Zen is whisked away into an escapist dream by two divine ASMR spirits. Follow the performers as they move in and around the installation, interspersed with moments of storytelling, live ASMR and choreography.
Please note that the Wishful Thinking installation will be closed between 6pm–7pm for the live performance on 20 Jan, 27 Jan and 3 Feb (Sat).
Part 2: ASMR Just For You (8–9pm)
Three divine ASMR spirits provide short sensory sessions to willing participants outside the installation. If you decide to opt in for the session, you will experience whispering, personal attention, gentle touches and a variety of in-person ASMR triggers. Otherwise, you may watch other people enjoy the sensory interactions.
Some audio descriptive language is incorporated into the performers’ spoken lines. There will not be any pre-show notes for the performance.

Melinda Lauw and Chia Kwa are part of the hit immersive ASMR production Whisperlodge, which has been performed across America and Singapore since 2016.
Melinda Lauw is an artist and experience designer working across art and immersive experiences. Lauw has been featured on Netflix, PBS’s All Arts, and The New York Times, and has worked with brands like Lucid Experiences, Museum of Ice Cream, Audible and 29Rooms. Her mission is to merge art with wellness and entertainment, and connect communities who work with immersive experiences from around the world.

Melinda Lauw and Chia Kwa are part of the hit immersive ASMR production Whisperlodge, which has been performed across America and Singapore since 2016.
Chia Kwa is an award-winning interdisciplinary designer, photographer, actor and maker in both physical and digital spaces. A “Swiss Army knife” collaborator at Houseworld Immersive, they worked on the cult immersive hits Whisperlodge and Bottom of the Ocean, featured on The New York Times, Forbes, and Netflix. By day, Chia designs usable and accessible digital experiences for brands such as New York Life and American Express. Chia graduated from Pratt Institute and has lived in New York City ever since.