Request Form

This request form is for you to inquire about reproductions of artwork images and archival materials in our collection. All requests must be for educational and non-commercial use only. Please fill in your personal particulars and list items of interest in the fields provided. Do note that the items are subject to copyright restrictions and approval.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Personal Particulars
Please enter your name.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter your email address.Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter your title / designation.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter your organization name.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter your address.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please select How did you hear about us?.
Project Type
Please select the project type.
Please select a publication type.
Please select a educational type.
Please select a digital type.
Please select a broadcast type.
Please select a exhibition type.
Please enter the title/description of the work.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the creator/author.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the date/period.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the territory of use.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the format of reproduction.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the language.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the use of the image.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the publisher.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.
Please enter the print run.Only numbers are allowed.
Please enter the retail price.Only numbers and decimal points are allowed.
Please enter your remarks.Only letters, numbers, @, and - are allowed.

By clicking on “Submit Request”, I declare that the information provided above is accurate and complete.

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