The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.


National Gallery Singapore is ranked the fourth most sustainable museum and the eighth most sustainable cultural organisation in the world, according to a 2024 study by the University of Lausanne (UNIL).

The Gallery is committed to being future-ready by developing its people, articulating its social impact, and adopting new sustainable practices that contribute positively to the wider arts community.

Sustainability Masthead

We are committed to a more sustainable future.


We are committed to sustainable environmental practices, transforming into a super low energy building and achieving net zero emissions by 2045, in alignment with the Singapore government’s net zero target under the GreenGov.SG strategy. 


We are driven by a focus on the future, investing in our people, demonstrating our social impact, and adopting sustainable practices that positively contribute to our communities.


We show financial resilience through responsible spending and investment practices for long-term stability and success.

Recognition and achievements

  1. 4th most sustainable museum, 8th most sustainable cultural organisation globally
    The Gallery has been ranked in a 2024 study by the University of Lausanne (UNIL).

  2. BCA Green Mark 2021 in Operation, Gold Plus
    Our building has been certified Green Mark Gold Plus by the Building and Construction Authority since 2015, with recertification awarded in September 2022.

  3. Certified Water Efficient Building
    The Gallery has installed water-saving fixtures and received the Water Efficient Building (Basic) Certification.

  4. Eco-Office Champion
    The Gallery was awarded the Eco Office Champion certification by the Singapore Environment Council in 2021, and recertified in April 2023.

  5. SDG Publishers Compact
    The Gallery is a signatory of the SDG Publishers Compact, which seeks to inspire action among publishers and accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

  6. LowCarbonSG Participant
    The Gallery has been awarded the LowCarbonSG Logo by Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) Singapore for demonstrating progress in measuring and monitoring our carbon emissions.

The Gallery is committed to sustainable practices centred on respecting our environment, generating positive social impact, and building financial resilience.
Dr Eugene Tan, Chief Executive Officer

We embrace sustainable best practices to reduce our impact.

Our environmental initiatives

The Gallery is committed to sustainable practices, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) to promote a cleaner, greener world.

Solar energy harvesting

Solar energy harvesting

Our solar panels generated 200,343 kWh of electricity between January 2020 and April 2024, reducing 94,766 kg of CO2 emissions. This equals 32.9 tonnes of waste recycled or 1,567 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.

Energy consumption reduction

Energy consumption reduction

We conducted an energy audit from 2021 to 2022 and implemented initiatives to reduce energy consumption, such as installing LED lighting with digital monitoring, and optimising our building management system.

Sustainable art collection management

Sustainable art collection management

We prioritise sustainability in managing our art collections and exhibitions by reusing, repurposing, donating, and recycling materials.  

Reducing our carbon footprint when transporting art

Reducing our carbon footprint when transporting art

We have implemented an initiative to optimise the shipment and transportation of artworks to and from the Gallery. By consolidating deliveries whenever possible, we minimise resources and reduce our carbon emissions and carbon footprint.

Gallery-wide sustainability workshops and practices

Gallery-wide sustainability workshops and practices

We host sustainability-related workshops and events to educate families and children, raising awareness and fostering sustainable practices both within the Gallery and in the broader community.

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Our social initiatives

The Gallery welcomes visitors of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to discover the value of art at the Gallery.

Diversity & inclusion

Diversity & inclusion

Our Diversity & Inclusion Committee reflects the diversity of our staff’s communities and seeks to address inequalities and biases on all levels. We encourage an environment of open dialogue and learning.

We are committed to diversity and inclusion in our exhibitions, programming and publications.

Staff welfare

Staff welfare

Our welfare committee, TETRIS, promotes staff well-being through recreational activities that support physical, mental and social health.

Mental wellness

Mental wellness

The Gallery promotes wellness and awareness through activities like those in our Slow Art programme.

Digital access

Digital access

Our publications are available on digital library platforms, ensuring discoverability and equal access for local communities.

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Charting our green future
Charting our green future

The Gallery has conducted comprehensive energy and carbon assessments and has been recertified under Green Mark 2021 in Operation, at the Gold Plus level.

Our internal review has identified building improvement opportunities to reduce our Energy Use Intensity (EUI) by 30%.

In line with the recommendations by GreenGov.SG, the Gallery seeks to:

  • Achieve a 10% reduction in EUI by 2030 from the average of 2018–2020 levels.
  • Reduce our Water Efficiency Index (WEI) by 10% by 2030 from the average of 2018–2020 levels.
  • Achieve a 30% reduction in our Waste Disposal Index (WDI) by 2030 from our 2022 baseline.
  • Peak our carbon emissions, Scopes 1 and 2, by 2025.
  • Achieve net zero emissions by 2045, in alignment with the Singapore government’s target. 
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Ways you can help us

Join us in our commitment to sustainability by taking these steps:

  1. Bring your own water bottles: Refill them at the Gallery’s water fountains.

  2. Use reusable bags: Say no to single-use plastic. 

  3. Reduce plastic waste: Reuse or recycle any plastic ware you need to dispose of.

  4. Conserve resources: Use hand dryers in restrooms or limit yourself to one paper towel.

  5. Take public transportation: Reduce your carbon footprint when visiting the Gallery.

  6. Plan digitally: Download our Gallery Guide+Map (PDF 16 MB).

  7. Recycle brochures: Return clean, unmarked brochures and maps to our information counters for reuse.

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