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Ancestor Figures

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4003.Ancestor Figures(0:00)
At first glance, the works of Harry Tjutjuna and Warwick Thornton could not be more different. One is a painting of what looks like a giant spider, while the other is a video work that shows a glowing human figure. Both of them draw on the idea of the traditional healer, or Ngangkari. Spiders play an important part in the creation stories of Tjutjuna’s birthplace and the Dreaming story of his people. Their webs are used in traditional medicine to treat cuts and skin injuries. The spider Ancestor in Tjutjuna’s work is surrounded by circular patterns, which refer to the intricate designs spun by spiders in their webs. By painting these stories, he ensures the continuation of his people’s culture for generations to come. Similarly, Thornton’s work also examines the figure of the traditional healer, but in this case, he uses pop culture to inform his short film and likens the spiritual energy and power of the Ngangkari to the Jedi of the Star Wars movies. While unexpected, this comparison can help to make the figure of the Ngankari accessible to a broader audience.