Grup 18

For on-site viewing
For on-site viewing

Collection Details

Reference Code
Level of Description
Grup 18
Between 1971‐08‐18 and 1971‐08‐27
Scope and Content
Catalogue for the annual exhibition of the Bandung Group, which made its first appearance in 1954. It includes a cover page, an introduction, individual biographies of patriating artists, artwork images, and price list of artworks.
General Material Type
exhibition catalogues
46 page : coloured : illustrated
Material Format
RCA-DP (Digital and Physical Archives)
People and organisations as subjects
Pirous, A. D. (Abdul Djalil)
Sadali, Ahmad
Muchtar, But
Pirous, Erna Garnasih
Sidharta, G. (Gregorius)
Suadi, Haryadi
Affendi, Yusuf
Suadi, Kaboel
Apin, Mochtar
Widagdo, Rita
Arief, Rustam
Hardjakusumah, M. Samsudin Dajat
Yuliman, Sanento
Soedarsono, Srihadi
Pernawa, Surya
Sutanto, T.
Dachlan, Umi
Dewan Kesenian Jakarta
Kelompok Lima Bandung
Source of Acquisition or Transfer
The archive was loaned by Mochtar Apin's family to National Gallery Singapore Resource Centre for digitisation in 2017
Conditions Governing Access
On-site viewing only at the Rotunda Library & Archive
Conditions Governing Use and Reproductions
Request for copy is allowed (Digital and Print)
Use of materials is strictly for reference and research, or for any other programmes and activities related to curatorial research at the National Gallery Singapore

Make a request to reproduce artwork images and archival materials in our collection.