Insights: Sign Language for Classical Music (Webinar)
Sign language for a concert? The concept seems counter-intuitive and yet holds palpable meaning for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities, as well as those with whom they work. If you’ve ever watched the Singapore Symphony Orchestra’s annual National Day Concert, you’ll have seen the work of Sign Language Interpreter Janis Wong. Join her in this webinar where she delves into sign language in the context of music and concerts.
Janis Wong holds a Master’s degree in Deaf Education. She worked with the Singapore School for the Deaf and was one of two specialised teachers in Mayflower Primary School leading the integrated programme for Children with Hearing Loss. Wong also freelances as an interpreter and has made appearances with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra for their National Day Concerts and with Singapore Repertory Theatre’s production of Gretel and Hansel. She is an advocate for Baby Sign Language and believes that sign language can and should be for everyone.