The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Hachi Restaurant

Japanese Omakase
Japanese Omakase

Hachi Restaurant continues its 20-year tradition of Japanese seasonal omakase dining with this new flagship at the Gallery. Expect new creations and techniques that showcase the best ingredients from the land and seas of Japan.

For more information, please visit Hachi Restaurant’s website

Opens: Mon–Sat


  • Lunch: 12–2.30pm

  • Dinner: 6–11pm


  • Dinner: 6–11pm

Where: Level 1, Supreme Court Wing

Get directions

Contact Us

+65 6734 9622

Make a reservation

You will be redirected to Hachi Restaurant’s website.

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