Stop 6
Yeh Chi Wei
In this painting, a figure sits, holding a drum, against a background reminiscent of textile patterns. To the left are two earthen vases. The striking dark figure of the drummer is highly stylised, depicted here with elongated limbs and simple facial features. The work is figurative and also reflects a certain archaic quality. The stark black of the figure and the negative outlines in white evoke the look of Chinese ink rubbings.
The artist, Yeh Chi Wei, travelled around Southeast Asia during the 1960s. During these trips, he collected local artefacts such as textiles, wooden sculptures, and old Chinese ceramics. The stylistic influences visible in this work are drawn from such artefacts, and reveal the artist’s interest in traditional motifs and patterns. His unique colour palette of rich brown, muted grey, cool blue-green and white outlines is also likely to have been adopted from textiles collected during his trips in Southeast Asia.