Collection Details
- Reference Code
- RC-ID03-MA.01-0004
- Level of Description
- Item
- Title
- Indonesian Contemporary Art
- Dates
- 1968
- Scope and Content
- Exhibition catalogue includes a cover page, acknowledgements, information on exhibition tour dates, artwork images by participating artists, introduction, list of artworks classified under Catalogue, biographies of participating artists, and information about the winners of the IOS Foundation Art Prize 1968
- Languages
- English
- General Material Type
- exhibition catalogues
- Extent
- 16 page : coloured : illustrated
- Material Format
- RCA-DP (Digital and Physical Archives)
- People and organisations as subjects
- Apin, Mochtar
- Sadali, Ahmad
- Iskandar, Popo
- Muchtar, But
- Soedarsono, Srihadi
- Sidharta, G. (Gregorius)
- Pirous, A. D. (Abdul Djalil)
- Affendi, Yusuf
- Buchori Z., Imam
- Harjadi, S.
- Sutanto, T.
- Harjoto, Amalia
- Markus, Mochamad
- I.O.S Foundation
- Related Artworks
- Etching Stillife | Markus, Mochamad
- Land of God | Muchtar, But
- Moulded by the Weather, Fashioned by the Wind | Sadali, Ahmad
- Sudanese Mountain Village | Harjoto, Amalia
- Topical Terms
- I.O.S. Foundation Priza for Graphic Art
- I.O.S. Foundation Prize for Painting
- Source of Acquisition or Transfer
- The archive was loaned by Mochtar Apin's family to National Gallery Singapore Resource Centre for digitisation in 2017
- Conditions Governing Access
- Restricted
On-site viewing only at the Rotunda Library & Archive - Conditions Governing Use and Reproductions
- Request for copy is allowed (Digital and Print)
Use of materials is strictly for reference and research, or for any other programmes and activities related to curatorial research at the National Gallery Singapore
Make a request to reproduce artwork images and archival materials in our collection.