Even Closer: A guided movement tour of the Antony Gormley exhibition

Join artists Elizabeth de Roza and Laurie Young—the creators of the movement audio guide, Closer—for a special guided tour of the Antony Gormley exhibition. Building upon their well-received audio guide, Elizabeth and Laurie will lead participants in an embodied somatic experience, engaging both mind and body as they interact with the sculptures on display.

Elizabeth de Roza is an artist-scholar, performance maker and theatre director. She is currently the Head of Performing Arts Research and Postgraduate co-ordinator at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). Her research focuses on the intersections between decolonial and feminist theories, cross-cultural embodied experiences and practices centred on thinkingAs a practising artist, her works range from site-specific social engagement to cross-disciplinary and intense black-box physical performances. Her projects have been featured at various prestigious contemporary theatre festivals in South America, Europe, the United Kingdom and Asia. Elizabeth has also taught at various arts institutions in Asia, Europe and the UK, focusing on practice-as-research, acting methodology, cross-cultural performance methodology and devising.

Laurie Young is a Berlin-based Canadian dance artist who focuses on alternative histories, how they are embodied and represented, as well as how relationships are choreographed between human and other-than-human beings in the theatre, museum and city. She has been working on transdisciplinary projects across the fields of dance studies, sensory ethnography and archival practices and is a fellow of Volkswagen Foundations Arts and Science and Motion. Her work has been presented at the Sophiensaele, Naturkundemuseum Berlin, The Australian Museum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Martin Gropius Bau and The National Arts Centre, amongst other institutions. She is currently working towards certification in somatic social justice.