Dreamer takes the viewer into a surreal, dreamy world created with elements and symbols related to the history of art. Ari Dykier combines acute video mapping techniques with rich visual imagery inspired by the heritage of literature—the art form that is the focus of the programmes held at The Arts House, to create an inspirational journey into the past.

Ari Dykier is visual artist and filmmaker with a deep passion for animated works. Through images created from vintage illustrations, he attempts to recreate the experience of dream-like reality while taking inspiration from childhood fairy tales, movies, paintings, books and music. As a self-taught animator, he uses digital techniques and traditional, hand-drawn animation to create the content for his work. Dykier has taken part in various festivals around the world including Kyiv Lights Festival 2018, Live Cinema Festival 2018 in Rome, Jerusalem Light Festival 2019 and many more.