.. / Tours
7–8, 14–15 Jan 2023
Sat, 2.30pm, 4.30pm, 5.15pm | Sun, 2.30pm, 4.30pm
Meeting point: National Gallery Singapore, Level 1, Padang Atrium, Visitor Services Counter
Ticketed. $15 Buy Ticket
Back-of-House Tour – Former Supreme Court: Unseen, Unheard

This exclusive tour offers a glimpse into restricted areas of the former Supreme Court, usually out of bounds to the public. Go behind-the-scenes and find out more about courtroom proceedings and the experience of persons on trial as you traverse a network of hidden passageways; climb through a trapdoor into the prisoner’s dock, gain access to the Viewing Gallery where members of public used to sit during court hearings and discover stories of some of the highest-profile cases in Singapore’s history since 1939, tried in these very courtrooms.
Listening to Architecture: The Gallery’s Histories and Transformations
Writing Climate with May Ee Wong and Shawn Hoo
Reframing Art Histories: Distinguished Scholars’ Series with Homi K. Bhabha
Growing Home – A Showcase about the Arts Plan and You